The Performing Track is open to qualified individuals seeking a rigorous training program that prepares them for performance.
The Performing Track is open to qualified individuals seeking a rigorous training program that prepares them for performance.

Performing Track
The Performing Track is designed as an intensive course of study leading to mastery of the art form at a professional level.
Training will focus on establishing and developing key components of Taiko that make the art form unique and powerful – stamina, technique, kata (form) and spirit (ki). Classes start at a basic level and students progress according to personal capacity, commitment and discipline. Students are required to attend and participate fully in class regularly, to study and commit new rhythms and concepts to memory on a week to week basis and to assist fully as a volunteer in different areas as needed.
Experience in a discipline of music, athletics, martial arts or dance is highly recommended.
Auditions are held for current students who have completed fundamental classes and shown commitment and a strong aptitude for the art form during their training.
Apprentice Performance Track Training is held on Wednesday evenings from 7-8:30 pm (10 week sessions)